We have so much talent in our little corner of Maine – artists, musicians, writers.
One of our neighbors is an avid blogger who writes about life here. We invite you to browse around and read about life in our amazingly beautiful little part of Maine.
One Life Downeast …Joe McBrine

Finding Maine by way of Montana, Vermont and a friend’s voice

Eastport, an ever-evolving city of brick, light and shadow

About RJ Heller:
I am here now and I am not leaving.
It certainly has been a long road to get here, but I am here in Maine, specifically Starboard Cove, Maine. More specifically, I live Downeast.

Having arrived here from Pennsylvania over four years ago, there has been plenty to learn and even more to observe. This place is different, but I mean that in a good way. Born and raised in Pennsylvania, I am a college graduate with a teaching degree, a business founder and seller, and a father of two children with my wife Stephanie; life has been full and somewhat adventurous, but finding Maine remains a high watermark in my life.
I also like challenges. I have been to China numerous times for business. While there I took a walk on the Great Wall and explored the local cuisine. I have sailed, climbed and hiked in a number of places, and in 2010 I spent six days dog sledding the Yukon Territory. I published a collection of prose and poetry titled Holding Grace, and I am currently working on a second collection while dabbling on a novel. Yes, safe to say, I like to challenge myself.
My writing has been described as reflective, sentimental, and full of imagery. This is good because here in Maine there appears to be plenty to stimulate the imagination and provide many opportunities to see what makes it unique and be the place we have chosen to live life.
We all take things for granted; life should not be one of them. Life Downeast is all about slowing it down and letting the essence of place come through at its own pace. Let us, together, find new things to do in this place and learn about the people that live here in yesterday’s Maine, everyday.
So please come along with me as I live Life, Downeast.
I can be reached via email at : rhellerwriter@gmail.com
Also check me out at